April 4, 2018 2018 is looking like the year of mass divestment A flurry of announcements so far, especially from Europe, is setting the tone
March 2, 2018 Only people can power change. Join us 8-9 September Put this date in your diaries now. Ahead of the next round of global climate talks in Poland in November,...
February 1, 2018 People of faith call for an end to fossil fuels In early January, a 125-year-old church in Immerath, North Rhein Westphalia (Germany) was demolished to make way for the expansion...
November 20, 2017 2018 – The Year for Local Action The COP23 climate talks are over; now the work of real climate leaders begins.
May 13, 2017 Göttingen withdraws funds from coal, oil and gas companies The German city of Göttingen is the latest to commit to fossil fuel divestment as part of the Global Divestment Mobilisation wave of action this...