We Can
Build a
Fossil Free

City by city, town by town, we’re ending the age of fossil fuels and building a world of community-led renewable energy for all.

Uniting for a Fossil Free Future: how it began and what’s next

Imagine a world where communities, driven by the urgent need to combat climate change, unite across continents to challenge the status quo. This is the essence of the Fossil Free movement, a dynamic global movement committed to divesting from fossil fuels and building community-led renewable energy for all.

The Spark of Divestment

The journey of Fossil Free began in 2012. Inspired by the successful divestment campaigns against apartheid in South Africa, Bill McKibben and the 350.org team envisioned a similar approach to tackling the power and influence of the fossil fuel industry.

From Local Actions to Global Impact

Activists hand over their people-powered petition to the City of Cape Town

The movement started with students and universities petitioning their schools to divest their money from fossil fuels. The first significant victory came when Unity College in Maine became the first college to divest in November 2012. This victory inspired other institutions, from colleges and cities to religious organizations and pension funds, to follow suit.

Key Milestone: In 2014, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, with deep historical ties to the oil industry, announced it would divest from fossil fuels, marking a pivotal moment for the movement.

Global Reach: The movement rapidly expanded beyond the United States, capturing the attention and participation of international communities. Activists in countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa started their divestment campaigns, making the movement truly global.

The Power of Unity: Collaborative Victories

Fossil Free is not just about divesting assets; it’s about uniting communities for a common cause. The movement’s success lies in its grassroots approach, empowering local activists to lead their campaigns. Here are some notable achievements:

Global Divestment Day in London

  • Cities Leading the Way: Major cities like New York, London, and Berlin have committed to divesting their public funds from fossil fuels.
  • Faith-Based Organizations: Religious institutions, recognizing the moral imperative to act on climate, have played a crucial role. For example, the Church of England and the World Council of Churches have both committed to divestment.
  • Educational Institutions: By 2020, over 150 educational institutions worldwide had pledged to divest, showcasing the power of student activism and the importance of academic institutions in leading by example.
  • You can see the full list of organizations that have committed to divest on this global tracker.

Harnessing the Power of Petitions: A Testament to Collective Action

One of the most powerful tools in the Fossil Free movement has been the use of community-led petitions. Over 1000 petitions, supported by more than 350,000 signatures from around the world, have helped move trillions of dollars out of fossil fuels. This massive outpouring of public support has not only pressured institutions to divest but has also demonstrated the collective power of global citizens united for a common cause.  You can still start a fossil free or climate justice petition at community.350.org.

Activists call on the South African government to fund renewable energy.

A Vision for Tomorrow: Continuing the Fight

The story of Fossil Free is far from over. The movement continues to evolve, driven by the relentless passion of activists worldwide. As we look to the future, the vision remains clear: a just and sustainable world free from the grip of fossil fuels.

In Chad, people are putting solar panels on schools and small businesses where there is no electrical grid. In the Amazon, indigenous communities are using solar to stay independent from oil. In South Africa, communities are transforming old mines into shining renewable energy plants that power homes and transitions away from fossil fuels.

Want to be help build clean renewable energy in your local communities? Join the Our Own Power movement to find out how.

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