Become a Catholic Divestment Leader!

The divestment movement is a grassroots movement powered by regular people all over the world. People from all walks of life have started campaigns in their communities which have had a huge impact.

By starting a divestment campaign in your Catholic diocese, university, school, hospital or other institution you will be helping to build the momentum for climate justice. Every Catholic institution that commits to divest will also build momentum to for Pope Francis to divest the Vatican, which will send one of the most powerful moral signals yet that the age of fossil fuels is coming to an end.

Starting a divestment campaign is easier than you might think, and we have all the resources you need to get started. Find out more about how to start your campaign below.


Click here to create a petition and start your campaign.


Need Help Getting Started?

Check out this step-by-step guide to running a divestment campaign in your community.

Divestment Overview The Catholic Case For Divestment Step 1 Choose Your Target & Build A Team Step 2 Start A Petition & Plan Your Campaign Step 3 Get Active & Build Momentum Step 4 Engage Your Decision Makers
Step 5 Keep The Conversation Going Step 6 Win And Get The Word Out Divestment Arguments Help Making Your Case Contacts Where To Go For Help Print This Guide Coming soon!