Join the fossil fuel divestment movement — sign up here:
At over 450 events in 60 countries, people around the world declared that it’s wrong to wreck the climate — and it’s wrong to profit from wrecking it.
From the Pacific Islands to South Africa, from the United States to Germany, we stood up to demand that our governments, universities and financial and religious institutions stop investing in the rogue industries that are destroying our planet. It was a massive turning point in the divestment movement with people across six continents fighting to de-legitimize the fossil fuel industry.
And we did it in some incredibly beautiful and creative ways — here’s just a small sample of what happened:
Global Divestment Day: ‘We are ready for urgent action on climate change’ — The Guardian
SBS World News segment — SBS
ANU’s Commonwealth Bank closes during student divestment protest — Canberra Times
The New School Divests Fossil Fuel Stock and Refocuses on Climate Change — New York Times
Harvard sit-in protests school’s investments — Boston Globe
As islands face destruction, it’s time to divest —
Sweden: Dags för schyssta pensioner — NSD
Italy: Liquidiamo i combustibili fossili, arriva il “divestment day” — Il Cambiamento
France: Le fonds pour les retraites, grand ami des fossiles — Libération
Germany: Kein Kapital für Kohle —
UK: Fossil fuel divestment campaign grows as protesters target UK banks — The Guardian
Netherlands: ‘Shell is een erg onverantwoordelijk bedrijf’ — de Volkskrant
Norway: Kutt investeringene i fossil energi — Nye Meninger
Belgium: Le désinvestissement fossile, une nécessité économique et un impératif éthique — L’Echo
Spain: ¿Desinvertir en petróleo? — El Mundo
Benim Tatlı Varilim — Yeşil Gazete
Go green or go broke, activists warn — Mail & Guardian
SA must divest from coal and oil — Business Report
Desinvestimento em fósseis tem apoio de cidades, universidades e instituições religiosas — Página 22