It’s been just under six months since the national movement to divest from fossil fuels kicked off. We’ve come a long way this year, and we want to close out the school year with a bang. That’s why on May 2nd, we’re declaring our #FossilFreedom.

Will you join us for a Divestment Day of Action on May 2nd?

After speaking with many of you and listening to your feedback, we think this day of action will be a powerful uniting force. Action days can help us tell our collective story, demonstrate our growing strength, breathe life into new campaigns, and give established campaigns a chance to take it to the next level.

This day of action is about freedom. The fossil fuel industry is hell-bent on wrecking this planet and stealing our future. You can bet we’re gonna fight like hell to be free of them– that’s what divestment is about.

Start or join a #FossilFreedom event on your campus.

May 2nd is coming up quick, so we’ve put together a bunch of resources on the website to help you get going, including a menu of action ideas, tips on creating great visuals, and advice on wrangling the media. When your group is ready, be sure to register your action and get it on the map.

Want to build up some momentum between now and May? just announced the release of Do the Math, the movie. It looks like it’s going to be an inspiring film and a great organizing tool — click here to watch the trailer and sign up to host a screening next weekend.

#FossilFreedom is going to require big, powerful action. Let’s make it happen!
