The city council of Eindhoven, with broad support from within, has responded Fossil Free Eindhoven Campaign’s demands to divest, and is now fossil free.

The city council’s divestment commitment, one of the most comprehensive yet, states that within five years Eindhoven will break their financial ties with the fossil fuel industry. Meaning that the city council will hold no investments in coal, oil and gas, and no fossil fuel companies will sponsor the city either. The campaign is also calling on all banks cooperating with the municipality to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry, and finally, call on the ABP pension fund to divest from fossil fuels.
What an amazing victory for Fossil Free Eindhoven campaigners, after just half a year of activities.
EINDHOVEN FOSSIELVRIJ VERKLAARD! Zojuist heeft de gemeenteraad ons burgerinitiatief met zéér brede steun aangenomen! Na…
Posted by Eindhoven Fossielvrij on Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Eindhoven was capital of innovation in 2016, and this fossil free declaration definitely allows it to hold on to its reputation. This decision sends a clear message that instead of gas-extraction earthquakes and green-washing, what the Netherlands needs is stronger Fossil Free leadership.