April 4, 2018 2018 is looking like the year of mass divestment A flurry of announcements so far, especially from Europe, is setting the tone
March 2, 2018 Only people can power change. Join us 8-9 September Put this date in your diaries now. Ahead of the next round of global climate talks in Poland in November,...
January 12, 2018 A Message from New York Mayor Bill de Blasio Mayor Bill de Blasio wants you to know that New York's historic divestment announcement and lawsuit against Big Oil are just the beginning. Change is...
November 22, 2017 Fossil Fuel Industry Sneakily Tries to Fight Back as Divestment Backed by People Power Grows As more institutions, including the largest sovereign fund in the world, move forward to cut their ties with fossil fuel companies, the anti-climate action campaigns...