On September 8, we’re planning thousands of rallies in cities and towns around the world to demand our local leaders commit to building a fossil free world that works for all of us. No more stalling, no more delays: it’s time for 100% renewable energy for all.
We are the only generation that can solve the climate crisis — and we don’t have time to wait.
We’re calling for a fast and just transition to a Fossil Free world.
Working together, we will end the use of fossil fuels and transition our world to 100% renewable energy for all. And we are calling on politicians to follow our lead.
We are living through the hottest years in human history. Increasingly extreme hurricanes, floods and droughts are destroying our homes and nations. The climate crisis is no longer a future threat: it’s a clear and present danger.
Yet, we see a new hope everywhere. In every country ordinary people are showing true climate leadership by speaking out against coal, oil and gas projects, moving their money away from fossil fuels, and building clean, just, renewable energy for all.
Through the Paris Agreement, the world’s governments made an historic pledge, to protect our common home, and keep it below 1.5C of warming. But their actions have not matched those words. Countries continue to approve new coal, oil and gas projects, and funnel billions into fossil fuels.
So it’s up to us to stand up to the corrupt fossil fuel industry and their political and financial allies and make real the change we seek. Our aspirations are global, and it’s going to take all of us acting together locally, to create the Fossil Free future we need.
This September, cities, states, businesses and civil society from around the world are gathering for the Global Climate Action Summit.
The Summit has invited every mayor, governor, and business leader in the world to make a bold climate commitment to help the world reach the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
We know what those commitments need to look like: a fast and fair transition to 100% renewable energy and an immediate end to new fossil fuel projects.
On September 8, we’re planning thousands of rallies in cities and towns around the world to demand our local leaders— whether they are attending the summit or not — commit to building a fossil free world that works for all of us. No more stalling, no more delays: it’s time for 100% renewable energy for all.
Plan or join an event in your community. If your elected officials commit, your rally can be a celebration. If they fail to act, it’s a chance to hold them accountable.
By acting together, we can end the era of fossil fuels and save the climate we all depend on.
This mobilisation is currently being organised by 350.org, GreenFaith, CAN, OPEN and many other groups large and small around the world. If your organisation would like to get involved in mobilising as a supporting partner – please fill out this form.