If it goes ahead, it would be the first fracking in the UK for over 5 years. It’s a devastating blow for the local community, but what happens there has implications for all of us.
While Third Energy’s business model is to ‘frack, frack, frack’, as an investor, Barclays has a few more options and is much more sensitive to bad PR. Spooking investors and taking away a key pillar of financial support would be devastating to the fracking industry already plagued with setbacks.
Ryedale is a new fracking frontline in the UK, and while we might not be there in person to stop the drills – we all have a Barclays branch nearby.
Everyone is invited to take part, so do get organising an event near you. It’s up to you exactly what you want to do, but here are some resources to help:
Conversations about action planning will also be happening at the ‘Unite Against Fracking’ conference (September 24th) and Keeping it in the Ground Mobiliser Tour (10th – 20th October).
We’re aiming for upwards of 100 actions, and an opportunity for everyone that cares about fracking to get involved, whether it’s being proposed in your backyard or not. Whatever you’re able to do, please do join in!