Here’s some great news from our friends at 350 Massachusetts:
On Sunday, June 2nd, First Parish in Cambridge, Unitarian Universalist, voted unanimously at its semi-annual members meeting to divest its holdings in fossil fuels stocks over the next five years.
With this vote First Parish Cambridge joined a growing nationwide movement of colleges, religious organizations, and town and state governments that are working to fight global warming by removing the stocks of fossil fuel companies from their portfolios.

“We have a moral obligation to leave our children a livable planet,” said Senior Minister Fred Small. “We’re just one congregation, but we’re part of a growing movement calling the fossil fuel industry to account for the destruction wreaked by global warming.”
Today’s vote came about when the First Parish Cambridge Investment Committee decided to accept the guidance of the congregation on the issue of divestment. As a result, the congregation voted on, and unanimously approved, two resolutions proposed by the First Parish Environmental Justice Task Force.
The first resolution was to stop any new investment in fossil fuel companies, to divest in the top 200 fossil fuel companies within five years, and to report annually to the congregation on progress toward this goal.
The second resolution authorized the First Parish Environmental Justice Task Force (EJTF) to lead the congregation in taking a public stand on the issue and working with other organizations to advocate for fossil fuel divestment.
“I’m so proud of my church today!” exclaimed EJTF co-chair and prominent 350MA climate activist, Rosalie Anders. “Whatever the future holds, we can tell our grandchildren we didn’t stand idly by while the climate collapsed.”