We are very excited that the students in Liège have achieved the first Belgian university divestment win!

On 17 January, the University of Liège announced it would divest all direct holdings from fossil fuels within 5 years and immediately freeze any new investment in fossil fuels. 

Fossil Free ULg – Aide l’ULg à avoir les mains propres#FossilFreeULg demande à l’Université plus de transparence sur ses investissements financiers dans le secteur des énergies fossiles. Et si le recteur passait à la cafet pour répondre à vos questions? Signez la pétition sur www.fossilfreeulg.be

Posted by Fossil Free ULg on Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Fossil Free ULg campaign started less than a year ago and has used different organising tools including banner drops, short videos and a petition to raise awareness, increase their numbers and ultimately pressure the university into a positive first decision.

ULGfossilfree15095700_1175363075883940_8499582992272570068_nCelebrating this first win, Fossil Free ULg are already planning their next steps: making sure that the University of Liège keeps its promise and divests the funds within a quicker timeframe that 5 years, and pressuring them to go all the way and divest from their indirect holdings in fossil fuel companies.  The university still invests through mixed funds that contain fossil fuels and have so far refused to change those investments.

Congratulations to the Fossil Free ULg campaigners and supporters for their amazing win and to the University of Liège for making the right decision!
