April 8, 2014 A New Beginning: Getting a ‘NO’ Campaigns in the US Fossil Fuel Divestment movement have been working hard for almost two years now. Through building power...
February 20, 2014 Divestment Student Activists Converge in DC for #XLDissent Last June at Georgetown University in Washington DC, President Obama, said “I refuse to condemn your generation and future generations...
December 12, 2013 Students Turning Up the Heat #rejectiondenied A team of students representing divestment campaigns from universities across the country that have received an official ‘NO’ to their...
December 9, 2013 National Escalation Strategy Team #rejectiondenied Friends, We have been told by our presidents and Boards of Trustees that our universities are not divesting from fossil...
September 24, 2013 Sea Level Rise Awareness Week Inspires Action at UD The students at the University of Delaware with Fossil Free UD delivered the below open letter to their President in...