Storytelling is also a good way to demonstrate your story, here are some steps and paragraphs for you to dive in furthers on story building,
- Provide a background about the community by telling something about what it looks like, (are there historical landmarks, are there interesting scenery). Tell something about the people (what do they do for a living).
- Tell something about the dirty energy project (When was it constructed, Who owns the power plant. What is its generating capacity, Where does it provide power to. Who finances it)
- Talk about how pollution from the project affect the ecosystem and health of the people in the community.
- Talk about other negative impacts of the project (disruption of livelihood, harassment incidents from the plant personnel, and cases of human rights violations).
- Discuss the action being done by the impacted communities (i.e. the community’s approach in resisting the coal plant, actions they have undertaken, lobbying and dialogue with the company, reactions and resistance from lawsuit, etc.)
- Identify the community’s demands (e.g. plant closure, phasing out of coal and transition to renewable energy)
- Describe the fossil-fuel company’s reaction against the community’s resistance (describe whether the company reacted positively with compliance or reacted negatively with resistance)
- What do the community hope for in their struggle?
- What are their future plans?
- How can people from far places help them in their cause?
Providing Samples of the Storytelling below,
Winning the Story Wars – The Hero’s Journey from Free Range Studios on Vimeo.
Winning the Story Wars – The Myth Gap from Free Range Studios on Vimeo.