Blog by Ulla Nilsen, Minnesota 350

USbankrollFor years many of us have been looking to build bridges between the racial, economic and climate justice movements. We know that a political and economic system
that cares more about profit than people, especially people of color, is also willing to wreak havoc on the environment. Just look at what happened to the water in Flint, MI. The greatest burden of environmental destruction is carried by low income communities and people of color.

So I was excited when MN350 was recently invited to work with local racial and economic justice coalition, Minnesotans for a Fair Economy (MFE), an innovative alliance of strategic partnerships across labor, faith, and community-based organizations, that has garnered national attention. We were invited to join MFE’s U.S. Bank campaign, when research turned up U.S. Bank financing for Enbridge Energy and their “secret Keystone” tar sands oil pipeline in Minnesota.

Minnesotans for a Fair Economy is supporting MN350 in our demand that U.S. Bank take their own climate change policy seriously, and stop funding the fossil fuel industry. Instead we are asking them to support community solar developments that are accessible to low income communities. We are standing with MFE in calling on U.S. Bank to support policies that benefit working families, cease investment in predatory lending and minimize foreclosures.

If U.S. Bank refuses to engage on these issues by Valentines Day, we will break up with U,S. Bank on February 16th.

Banks are in a unique position to help stop fossil fuel extraction and speed the transition to a sustainable economy. Now that fossil fuel companies are losing money, filing for bankruptcy, and laying off workers, we have the opportunity to break banks of their fossil fuel addiction. Standing together with racial and economic justice organizations, we can move banks to use their considerable influence to build a better future.

Join with us on February 16th to demand that U.S. Bank stop financing dirty energy and harming our communities

If you are interested in hosting a Move Your Money day of action on February 16th, contact

To learn more about our campaign visit
