June 23, 2016 Berlin votes to divest Berlin’s parliament has just voted to divest from oil, coal and gas companies. Today Berlin joins other European capitals like Stockholm,...
April 30, 2016 Divest from deception. The plan for May 25 in Dallas: Some big news for those of you near Dallas: Next month, Exxon shareholders will meet in Dallas — and regular...
February 16, 2016 Why do mentors matter? A reflection on the Fossil Free Training Corps A reflection from Michaela Mujica-Steiner, student leader with Fossil Free Northern Arizona University and Fossil Fuel Divestment Student network Michaela...
February 3, 2016 Mayor wants to rid Copenhagen of ‘totally wrong’ investments in coal, oil and gas Yesterday, Copenhagen’s finance committee agreed to move forward on a proposal by the mayor to divest the fossil fuel holdings...
January 25, 2016 Building bridges for climate justice with the U.S. Bank campaign Blog by Ulla Nilsen, Minnesota 350 For years many of us have been looking to build bridges between the racial, economic and...
December 24, 2015 What 2015 means for 2016’s divestment campaigns What a year. 2015 brought a wave of victories for the climate movement, tools to enhance our divestment campaigns, and...
December 10, 2015 Divestment leads to more donor support, not less. A new study on divestment has been making the rounds this week. Commissioned by the Independent Petroleum Association of America...
December 2, 2015 In the space of just 10 weeks… The divestment movement has been gathering pace and building momentum ahead of the climate summit in Paris, where we announced...
November 12, 2015 VIDEO: 1,000 millennials take the streets for justice Friends, We’ve got the chills. On Monday, young people showed that they’re building the kind of cross-movement alliances that we...
November 4, 2015 Our Generation, Our Choice: Don’t Be frightened, Be Inspired This blog post was written by Vignesh Ramachandran, a student organizer with Divest Middlebury, on why he’s joining the Our Generation, Our...