Take Action

Powerful actions advance campaign goals and story while giving targets the opportunity to stand on the right side of history. Here are some ideas that can help.

Intro How to use this guide Phase 1 Build a Team Phase 2 Plan Your Campaign Strategy Phase 3 Tell Your Story Phase 4 Recruit
Phase 5 Train Your Base Phase 6 Take Action Phase 7 Win! anti-racist organizing Tips, tools, and links Financial Resources

Taking action

As organizers, we must identify moments that allow us to build power, and then flex that power through strategic actions. During the campaign planning process, your core group should identify a sequence of opportunities to take action, to meet with or influence your target. Actions show and build student power, and the actions we take should always be advancing campaign goals and story while giving our targets the opportunity to choose to stand on the right side of history.

Powerful actions tell a powerful story before, during, and in reflection. Your action should always speak for itself, in photos and in the media. So, think visually! This takes intentional planning, training, and praxis.

Over time, your group’s actions should escalate — increase in either risk, frequency, or numbers of participants. But not too fast! You want to make sure your supporters move with you.

Creativity is key! From flash-mobs to banner-drops, there are lots of things you can do. Have a look here for ideas and inspiration.

Often, the best actions build excitement for the campaign, have an impact on your target, and strike a balance between advanced planning and an in-time response to the current climate on campus.

Luckily, there are tons resources for planning creative, strategic actions! Check out the Ruckus Society’s Action Strategy how-to guide — it’s chalk full of action strategy, case studies, and tactic ideas. Also check out:

And for more, check out these awesome resources from Beautiful Trouble:

