Last Tuesday we were present at the Shell shareholder meeting to demand that our public instutions, including pension fund ABP, break their ties with Shell. Together with people from Groningen, students and pension fund participants we made sure that we were heard on the inside of the Circustheater.

And we will not be quiet until the power of Shell is broken!

Shell is one of the top 10 biggest polluters worldwide, is involved in countless court cases due to its climate destruction, and is even advising its shareholders to vote against a resolution proposing a binding climate target for the corporation! It’s unacceptable to have ties to a company that is responsible for a large part of global CO2 emissions and climate destruction, all for the sake of profit.

“I, Nettie Klompsa, am breaking with Shell because I will be very ashamed towards my grandkids if I don’t”

Fossielvrij NL coordinator Liset Meddens was joined by people from Groningen last Tuesday. The Groningen gas field is the largest natural gas field in Europe and is operated by the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV (NAM), a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil. People from the region have been protesting the gas extracion for years, because it causes serious earthquakes and has damaged many buildings in the area. The banner in the middle reads “Insecurity, Uncertainty, Jeopardy”

The banner on the left reads: “Nam is abusing Groningen. Shell is abusing The Netherlands.” In the middle: “102 schools unsafe”. On the right: “Loppersum: [a village in Groningen] 326 earthquakes”

  “The voice of Groningen”

The banner on the left, with the Groningen flag, reads “When will our inhabitants finally make a profit?”. On the right: “Tens of evictions”

Photos by Laura Ponchel. You can find more photos of the action on 22 May on our Flickr page.
