We’ve got big news: an investigation has revealed that ABP has, quietly, started divesting from the fossil fuel industry.
Although ABP is keeping this news quiet, researchers found that ABP’s investments in the world’s biggest coal, oil and gas companies dropped by €5.3bn over the past year. That’s partly due to the plummeting share prices of fossil fuel companies, but ABP also confirmed they were intentionally shifting their portfolio away from companies with huge unburnable fossil fuel reserves, in an effort to invest more sustainably.
This is significant progress from the world’s 5th largest pension fund — and it’s important to let everyone know it’s happening. Please click below to help share the news:

The ABP fund appears to have drastically reduced its holdings in companies including Royal Dutch Shell (value of holdings down by 72%), Chevron (-75%), Total (-79%) and BP (-53%) and entirely divested from 8 oil and gas companies and 7 coal companies including Peabody Energy.
It’s obvious that investing in these companies is both a bad financial investment AND unacceptable morally, and ABP seems to be getting the message. Will you ask them to go all the way in 2016 and #DivestTheRest? Click below to Tweet @ABPpensoen, or leave a message on their Facebook page.
BREAKING: Dutch @ABPpensioen investments in fossil fuels drop by €5.3 billion. Wise move but will you #DivestTheRest to go @ABPfossielvrij?
Find here the links to the English and Dutch press releases about this exciting news.
Thanks for a lot for sharing and spreading the word!