1.5C = no fossil fuels. Help deliver the UN’s latest warning to your local decision-makers – organise locally.
City by city, town by town, we’re ending the age of fossil fuels and building a world of community-led renewable energy for all.
This is a worldwide campaign to end the age of fossil fuels. We are a powerful movement of citizens around the world working to build a future that’s free from the destructive impacts of climate change, and free from the out-of-control corporations that caused it.
Tell World Leaders:
We must act now to stop accelerating climate breakdown. To keep warming below 1.5°C we must keep the vast majority of remaining fossil fuel reserves in the ground. We demand an immediate freeze on all new fossil fuel projects and a rapid & just transition to 100% renewable energy for all.
The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there are only 12 years left to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5C, and just two years to stop fossil fuel expansion for good. Even half a degree more will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty that hundreds of millions of people are already feeling.
There’s no other way to stop climate breakdown, we must keep fossil fuels in the ground and urgently transition towards 100% renewable energy for all. People power can get this done. We are willing to hold our governments accountable.
We need governments to immediately halt the expansion of the fossil fuel industry and put a freeze on all new projects - we cannot afford to plant any more carbon bombs.
We must act now to stop accelerating climate breakdown. To keep warming below 1.5°C we must keep the vast majority of remaining fossil fuel reserves in the ground. We demand an immediate freeze on all new fossil fuel projects and a rapid & just transition to 100% renewable energy for all.
What comes after Rise for Climate
Tens of thousands of new people are set to join inspiring events on 8 September. That's lots of new people who will be excited to take local climate action together in the aftermath of Rise for Climate — so what can you do to absorb all the momentum and new people power into your local movement or group?
Make it easy for people to stay involved
Take some time before and after 8 September to plan at least one follow-up event that you can invite people to straight after Rise for Climate. Being quick to send out report back emails and photos/videos on your social media channels will help capture people's attention while there's still a buzz after Rise.
One month later, starting 8th October, we'll be inviting you and all these new people to take part in a simple, local action again.
#FossilFree on Social Media