Divestment campaigns are working — investing in fossil fuels has never been seen as more immoral and financially risky than it is today. Our movement continues to grow rapidly.

But the truth is, fossil fuel companies have been driving the climate crisis and delaying serious action for decades. We’re up against a powerful industry willing to fight all the way for its survival. The stakes have never been higher — our changing climate is leading to ever more dangerous extremes.

Flood disasters have more than doubled in Europe in the last 35 years. Droughts, heatwaves and storms are causing more deaths. An unpredictable climate damages people’s livelihoods, from farmers losing entire crops to seasonal workers who rely on snow or sunshine.


So the Global Divestment Mobilisation from May 5 – 13 will have a special focus on climate impacts — by acting together, all our Fossil Free campaigns can throw a huge global spotlight on the crisis we face. We can show our power and push the next wave of institutions to finally take a moral stand and divest from fossil fuels.

Over the next 3 months, 350.org will do everything we can to support your campaign group to organise whatever event best supports your push for divestment locally and helps stigmatise the fossil industry.

We’ll encourage and help you plan powerful, public actions that pull the mask of respectability off the fossil fuel industry. Together, we need to lay bare the disastrous impacts that climate change is already having on people at home and around the world.

It doesn’t matter at this stage if you don’t have a clear idea or plan in place — register yourself on the map and we’ll help you with the rest.

From now until then, 350.org’s team in Europe and our many partners will be helping you to figure out how to make the biggest impression on your campaign target and in your local area.  And we’re keen to help you absorb the momentum that Global Divestment Mobilisation will generate back into your group; to grow and strengthen your organising into the future.
