Diese Stimmen aus dem Gesundheitssektor unterstützen Divestment und starke Klimaschutzmaßnahmen.


Dr. Courtney Howard of Yellowknife, who presented the motion to Canada’s Medical Association

„It’s (Divestment) probably the clearest way that Canada’s doctors can say, look, climate change is a health issue and we need to do something about it now.“ 


Fiona Godlee, Chiefeditor British Medical Journal

„I am hugely encouraged by the strong voice now coming through from senior figures within healthcare globally calling for action to tackle climate change. Personally, of all the work I am involved in to improve health and healthcare through the BMJ, I consider this the most important.“


Margaret Chan, World Health Organisation

„Every century has its own public health challenge,climate change is our century’s challenge.“


Christiana Figueres

„Investing at scale in clean, efficient power offers one of the clearest, no regret choices ever presented to human progress.“ 


Alistair Wardrope, Medizinstudent, Medsin

„I want medics to divest, because you can be committed to Health OR Fossil fuels – BUT NOT BOTH.“
