November 17, 2017 Norway proposes divesting its $1trillion wealth fund from oil and gas In a move that's been described as "a shot heard around the world", the Norwegian central bank has proposed selling off its $35bn oil and...
October 19, 2017 Het gaat goed met divestment! “Voor wie er nog aan twijfelde: het zit de fossiele brandstoffensector niet mee. Nadat eerder deze maand de Belgische bisschoppenconferentie...
October 12, 2017 ULiège sur MrMondialisation! “À Liège, en Belgique, un groupe a interpellé l’Université de Liège (ULg) en avril 2016 sur le sujet. À peine...
May 11, 2017 Carte Blanche (Le Soir): “Universités, pour le climat, désinvestissez des énergies fossiles!” Dans le cadre du Global Divestment Mobilisation, une semaine d'actions mondiales appellant à arrêter les investissements dans les énergies fossiles, les 6 campagnes de désinvestissement...
May 11, 2017 Open Brief (Knack): ‘Universiteiten, stop de investeringen in fossiele brandstoffen’ Investeren in fossiele brandstoffen betekent investeren in een toekomst van ongeziene klimaatontregeling, zegt een tweetalig studentencollectief van zes Belgische universiteiten. 'Daarom moeten onze universiteiten nu...
April 25, 2017 2 weeks to go, 5 things to know Time is moving fast and we’re just 2 weeks from the start of the Global Divestment Mobilisation now on 5 May. Here are 5 things...
April 21, 2017 Live Broadcast with Bill McKibben and guests – April 27 Join Bill McKibben and divestment leaders from around the world for a live broadcast to discuss how we can step up this movement together for...
April 20, 2017 How we win The Fossil Free campaign is just one part of the global movement for climate justice. As long as we weaken acceptance for the industry and...
March 10, 2017 Fossil Free Belgium: open meet-up 30/3, 18h Tout le monde bienvenu.e! Iedereen welkom! Everybody's welcome!
March 10, 2017 Great actions already planned for May Just over two months to go till the Global Divestment Mobilisation and lots of new events popping up on the map. Let's take a look...