April 4, 2014 World’s biggest investment fund doubles investments in renewables The Norwegian government announced today a mandate for the country’s sovereign wealth fund to nearly double its investments in renewable...
April 1, 2014 Exxon announce to exploit all carbon reserves as scientists highlight sweeping climate impacts Following shareholder pressure, oil giant ExxonMobil published two reports on how climate change will affect their business model yesterday. Exxon...
March 26, 2014 Press release: Dutch Cuts to Coal Finance a Good Sign for the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement CONTACT: Melanie Mattauch, European Communications Coordinator, melanie@350.org, +49151 5812 0184 Yesterday’s announcement that the Netherlands would join the United States,...
March 24, 2014 Exxon bows to shareholder pressure to report on carbon asset risk Following shareholder pressure, oil giant Exxon Mobil has agreed to report on how climate change will affect its business model...