Stay Connected

There are other people all over the country (and world) working on the same thing, and it’s good to stay connected and share stories and best practice.


Overview The basics of divestment campaigns Step 1 Pick a Target & Build a Team Step 2 Start a Petition & Plan your Campaign Step 3 Get Active & Build Power Step 4 Engage your Decision Makers
Step 5 Turn up the Heat Step 6 Stay Connected Step 7 Win! Resources Tips, Guides, Factsheets and more Divestment Arguments Reasons to Divest

Stay connected

Make sure you’re signed up to the mailing list and the Fossil Free UK Facebook, Twitter and blog updates feed to keep in the loop with upcoming events and divestment wins, and make sure to share everything you’re up to. Use #divest so others can easily find you.

In addition there are student, health, faith and local government campaign networks of organisers regularly talking to each other. Do get in touch if you’d like more information, or to be connected in.

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                                 on to Step 7 →
